Official website
endless war
Good day, dear users. We are glad to inform you about the launch date of the "Legendary" server on 3.12.21 at 20:00 Moscow time. This server brings very big changes, both minor and fundamental designs, as well as many innovations.
Good day, dear users. We continue to work on plans, and we want to tell you about the progress of work.
Greetings, dear players! We are glad to announce that the start of Endlesswar: xDrive 2 will take place on May 14 at 20:00 Moscow time! We will start an advertising campaign shortly. The OBT will be available on May 7 from 20:00 Moscow time, but possibly earlier, stay tuned!
Good day, dear users and players! In this announcement, we would like to tell you about the last changes.
Good day, dear users and players! In this announcement, we would like to tell you about the current changes.
Greetings dear players! In this announcement, we would like to tell you about the third part of the changes in professions and present a teaser for the Necromancer.
Greetings dear users and players! Today we would like to tell you about the second part of the changes in the professions and present a teaser for one of the new one - "Thunderer"
Greetings dear players! In this announcement, we would like to tell you about the first part of the changes in classes and professions. Also present a teaser of the new dungeon "The Fissure of the A b y s s" from the last announcement.
Greetings dear players! In this announcement, we would like to tell you about the new dungeon "Abyss Rift".